Meeting Minutes 2023


For the latest newsletter, go to:

Spring Seminar is back!

May 31 - June 1, 2024

Held at Middle Tennessee Christian School​

Murfreesboro, TN

Details are on the TVQA website

Our 2023 Charity quilts for donation include:

Red Bird Mission: Need twin size quilts for children ages 4--6

Quilts of Valor: We will make 1--2 quilts as a group project

Good Shepherd Children's Home: Lap size quilts needed for children ages infant to 18 years

Project Linus: quilts for children

Hospice: quilts for children to adults



  • Block Lotto Challenge: If you would like to participate in the Block Lotto challenge, go to the Pattern Page for instructions and pattern.   

  • ​Set-Up/Tear Down: All members need to sign up to help set up and tear down the meeting room each month.  Please see Lynn K. to sign up and help out 3-4 times this year.

  • Sunshine Hearts: Betty K. is the coordinator for 2023.  Continue to turn in a 6 1/2" (unfinished) heart block in the color chosen for each upcoming month.  Also, use a neutral background, either white or cream.  No black, please.

Quilting Bees 

              Quilt Guild

The Buzz ...