Quilting Bees
Quilt Guild
Ice Dying Technique
Ice (or snow) Dyeing is a dyeing technique where ice or snow is used to create a unique color pattern effect on fabric. Ice or Snow is used to prevent the dye from reaching some areas of the fabric (Similar to tie-dye) while also causing fiber reactive dyes to "split" into some of their component colors which can generate interesting bleed and halo effects. In just a few easy steps, you can create wonderous patterns and a unique design.
Basic Ice Dying Directions:
1. Scour (wash) your item(s) in HOT water with Textile Detergent, Synthropol, or Dawn Dish Detergent (with the little duck on it.) DO NOT use any additives like fabric softner, Oxyclean, or Bleach.
2. Dry in the dryer (without dryer sheets or any other products.)
3. Soak in Soda Ash for 15 - 20 minutes (use 1 - 2 cups Soda Ash per gallon of water.) Wear a dust mask while adding Soda Ash slowly to cool water. After 15 - 20 minutes, put on gloves and remove fabric from Soda Ash and wring out excess water.
4. Place scrunch fabric onto a cookie cooling rack or something with holes in it so that ice can drain. Place the rack over a tote, aluminum roasting pan, ect. so that the water can drain into the pan.
5. Put on dust mask and gloves. Soda Ash will aggravate your skin. You will be using dye powder and want to be safe about not inhaling any fine particles of dye.
6. Fold, scrunch or manipulate your items however you want.
7. Cover your item completely with ice or snow.
8. Sprinkle dye powder on top of ice. Grab your first color and start sprinkling the dye powder on the ice. Be as random or as specific as you want with how you spread the dye. Remember, as the ice melts colors will mix and blend: ex: yellow and blue mix together to make green.
9. Cover your dye box with a plastic bag and leave your dye box undisturbed in a warm place for 24 or more hours. This is called "batching".
10. After 24 hours, Put on gloves, rinse fabric in cold water. If you tied or used rubber bands, you can remove and rinse some more until water runs clear.
11. Wash rinsed items in washing machine on HOT water setting using Textile Detergent, Synthropol, or Dawn dish detergent (with the duck on it) and dry. You are finished!!
12. These are suggested directions - feel free to experiment and make changes. HAVE FUN!!
- Soda Ash and Water mixture can be kept indefinitely. Mix up and keep in a plastic bucket. LABEL IT!!
- Items can be left in Soda Ash and Water mixture for a long time if you forget then or have to leave them for a few hours or days, not a problem!
- Your items can be left in the dye box for several days if you can't get back to your dying right away.
- The Dyes work best if kept warm. Cover your dye box and leave somewhere warm while "batching".
- Try: Putting dye powder directly on items then adding ice.
- Try: Tying with sinew or rubber bands.
- Look up Ice Dying Videos on YouTube and Pinterest.
Supply Sources and Tutorials:
Soda Ash (Borax, Arm & Hammer Laundry Booster) get these at your local grocery store.